1. Candidate antibodies were cross-tested with monkeys and mice

A good lead antibody molecule is crucial to ensure the efficacy and safety of CAR-T cells in clinical applications. DIMA Biotech has established a complete screening platform for CAR-T lead antibody molecules. We have a range of advanced technologies, in vitro and in vivo assays to identify and optimize the best candidate antibody molecules for CAR-T therapy. Our approach has been successful in developing good CAR-T lead molecules for various cancer targets. We are constantly working to expand our capabilities and bring more innovative solutions to the field of cancer immunotherapy. As of today, we have developed 5000+ pre-stocked and pre-validated mAb molecules against 300+ drug targets. Some of them have already entered clinical trial phase.
1. Candidate antibodies were cross-tested with monkeys and mice
2. CAR-T cells short-term killing tests were conducted along with secretion detection of cytokines ( TNF-α, IFN-γ).
3. CAR-T cell specificity activation and self-activation assessment.
4. Long-term cytotoxic function and proliferative capacity of CAR T cells.
5. Specific analysis of candidate molecules.
Candidate molecules cross-test with GPCR protein series
CAR-Jurkat-nfat-Luc cell line specific activation assay
6. In vivo animal pharmacology experiments for CAR-T cells.